On Saturday, we visited the hospital. We had an Elder who was walking and hit some uneven ground and rolled his ankle. It was swollen on Wednesday, so he elevated it and iced it. He was walking on it, so we took him to the Primate Park and watched him carefully. He seemed to walk without a limp, but on Friday, it was a little sore (we did walk a lot) He seemed concerned and wanted to make sure it wasn't broken, so we took him to the hospital and had it x-rayed. The x-ray looked good and all is well. The total cost of the visit was 11,700 cfa. (about $23) Oh, and we bought them ice cream on the way home. Who doesn't get a treat after a visit to the Hospital?
I was told I couldn't put his name or picture on my blog, because he probably won't tell his family until he goes home. He did tell me that I could put this picture of his ankle. So, Mother's, how good are you at recognizing your son's ankle?