Saturday, July 6, 2013


We had two baptisms today.  One was a convert and the other was an 8 year old daughter of a convert.  He was able to baptize her and was so excited.  When we arrived at the Church, the font was not full.  The Elders start filling the font on Friday and let it fill all night.  During the night, the City water was turned off (not unusual) and the font didn't finish filling.  So, the Elders took some buckets to a water source down the hill and filled them.  There was about 14" of water in the font.  It was enough.  The baptisms went well, much to the relief of all.


  1. Wow, that is crazy they had to carry so much in buckets! I love how happy the Elders look. So neat.

  2. Yay for Elders who do what it takes! Such happy (& handsome) men--happy to have two more members :)

  3. Jonathan!!!! Let him know that I am happy and that I congratulate him!
